Presenting Kelty

Today I finished packing my Kelty. It's slightly over 18 pounds with bare minimal clothing, sleeping bag, energy bars, sun hat, candies, and the backpack cover.
My day pack is now almost 20 pounds because all the toiletries, first aid, camera equipment, guidebook, journal, basic change clothes, converter, and most importantly, all travel documents are in there. I've learned my lesson from Morocco. In case my luggage gets lost in transit, I will be able to live off my day pack for two weeks this time.
No Jordan visa yet. I am calling them again next Monday. The visa lady would not tell me it's a "No". I will call them until Tuesday since she said she would give me the visa in the same day if she got the approval from Jordan.
I am still really psyched though. We are leaving Tue. night and I will see the Great Pyramid in no time!
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