Friday, November 16, 2007

Good to fly again

It's 12:30 AM. I am still packing!! Work has been so overwhelming lately, I couldn't find a moment to do anything before the trip. Starting this morning, my heart started racing. The brain had gotten stupid too as I juggled between last minute work stuff and my excitement/anxiety about leaving it all behind. I have to pack for winter in China and summer in Thailand. As I checked last night, my home town Wuhan is going to be around freezing temperature due to a recent cold front. Beijing already had its first snow of the year. Bangkok and Chiang Mai however are in the upper 80s to mid 90s. I had the luxury though this time to pack three large suitcases and three small suitcases unlike my last backpacking trip. I had all the room in the world to pretty much just dump anything I want in there. It's going to be a long night. But 13 and half hours on the plane would allow me plenty of time to sleep. I am so excited just about anything now. In less than a day, I'd be home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Less than a day, I will be home..."You made me so envious. Missing the travelings so much now...Can't wait to see your photo album after this long trip!

11/25/2007 4:32 PM  

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