Thursday, February 08, 2007

Put Under vs. Put Down

The other day as I came back to the hotel I mentioned to Julee that I always got confused about the phrase "put under" vs "put down" and I may have erroneously blogged "Julee has been put down twice in one day". We had a good laugh that she wasn't killed thoroughly once, and had to be put "down" again. I said I would check what exactly I typed in my frenzy as I don't have time to check spelling here or read my babbling again (pretty much all the keyboards are messed up and painful to type on).

Today I came back to the Internet shop and realized that I first said 'put under' in the Nubian Village. Then I said 'put down' in Dr. Milek's Luxor hospital. Regardless, now we can laugh about it but in the moment it was quite scary. In Luxor, I watched the entire procedure again same as during the Nubian comic scene. I saw her getting sedated, saw the cast being made, moving her to the next door, waiting for her to wake up. After 20 minutes, she would not respond to me. At one point, I touched her forehead then out of scare moved my finger to her nose to make sure. Her breathing and the abrupt scolding by Abdul "What do you think you are doing?!" shocked me back to comfort zone. I am so glad all's over and she's ok now.


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