Friday, November 10, 2006

Ciao Bella

The Forbidden City, view from Jin Shan Park
Here are some photos from my 2004 October trip home. Fall is the best time to visit Beijing. Clicking through the photos to choose the ones I want to post brings back so much memory of my past life in this beautiful ancient city.

The Nine Dragon Mural, Forbidden City

City Wall & Gate, Forbidden City

In the Forbidden City, the number of layers of the roof and the legendary figures over the roof symbolize the importance of the building. The higher the number, the more significant it is.The Temple of Heaven where the emperor prayed to the heavenly god for good harvest every year.

Lioness, Yonghe Palace - Lions are frequently seen in ancient Chinese palaces and they also decorated the gates into a Chinese house. Lions are usually playing fireballs while the lioness, shown above is protecting her cub under her paw.

The Forbidden CityBa Da Lin, The Great Wall


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